Its easier than ever to start Shining and raise your vibration.


Professional Negative Energy and Entity Clearing.

Everything needs energy to maintain. The source where this energy comes from, determines in which category we classify the energy. The source in case of positive energy, is the universe, the one, the divine. Negative energy has no access to the divine and is holding on another positive energy to maintain.

A beautiful divine soul, like you, is a great source of positive energy. When a lot of negative energy needs your energy to maintain, you can get a lot of adverse effects. It disturbs your vibration, your feelings and emotions, makes you ill (physical, mental, emotional and energetic) and keeps you away from your soul path, your purpose in this life. It blocks you from shining and being the beautiful divine being that you are!

That is why it is so important to become as clear as possible from negative energy. Besides us as a divine being, are also buildings, things in and around our home and properties able to attach negative energies.

We are able to support you as a divine being, to become more and more clear. But most important: we can guide you in your actions, behavior, thoughts and your handling with emotions to prevent you of attracting negative energy. This allows you to fulfill your soul purpose and the life you choose.

What are Negative Energy and Entities?
and how does a Clearing work?

Everything in the Universe is made out of energy. All our thoughts, emotions, things at home, our body, our soul, every situation and everything around us, is energy.

We are able to divide energy into two categories: Positive and Negative energy. Everything needs energy to maintain. The source where this energy comes from, determines in which category we classify the energy.

The source in case of positive energy, is the universe, the one, the divine. Negative energy has no access to the divine and is holding on another positive energy to maintain.

We highly recommend to combine this clearing with a property clearing to prevent you from new attachments from energies that are already in and around your home. Besides that, you are able to relax more in a clean environment and keep a good vibration.

Are you Ready?
Is this for You?

We have many years of experience in helping our clients with removing negative connections and negative energy.

In this clearing we look for over more than 80 types of negative energies and entities. We clear the ones we find through the Akashic Records. This is the most effective, safe and fastest way to do this and to prevent that the negative energies will return.

After the clearing you will receive a 21-days program designed on what we found in your clearing. By running this 21-days program daily, the clearing is able to integrate in all the cells in your body and helps you to return and grow in your vibration. This is an very important process!

After the clearing there is also an (online) meeting to inform you about the negative energies that we cleared and to answer questions. In this meeting we mainly talk about the energies that are being influenced through your behavior, thoughts, the way you deal with emotions and the choices you make. This gives you great tools to prevent you from collecting negative energies adn to enable transformation.

Are you ready to become more clear??

Be aware that you can have a lot of negative energy that is attached.
Important to know is that the best way to get more clear, is to do more clearings.
With the clearing we clear layer by layer.
It is never possible to remove everything with one clearing.

Besides that it is very important to be conscious about your
own behavior, decisions, thoughts and emotions.
A lot of negative energy gets attached through how we live our lives.

We highly recommend to combine this clearing with a property clearing to prevent you from new attachments from energies that are already in and around your home. Besides that, you are able to relax more in a clean environment and keep a beautiful and good vibration.

Choose your package for a professional Clearing

Do you want the best result?
Choose the Negative Energy and Entity Clearing and Property Clearing